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Thomas Burns Scully
Actor Writer Musician
"[Thomas wrote] Easily the best and most understanding live review I’ve ever gotten... thank you."
Amanda Palmer
(Dresden Dolls, Punk Cabaret Artist, Activist)
"Thomas is the Man"
Bastian Baker
(Musician, opening act #ShaniaNOW tour)
"The smartest writer I have ever worked with"
Jenny Sterlin
(Broadway actress, Artistic director DoubleDeckerProductions)
"[Thomas wrote] one of the most thoughtful pieces about my life and music that I’ve ever read."
Raleigh Keegan
(Country music star)
"earnest and endearing with more than a fair share of humor sprinkled in, making what could very easily be an unlikable character charming"
(On playing peter in Meshahnye at Theatre for the new city)
"so intense that an aura of darkness seems to hang over him, even when he does nothing but sit sulkily in the corner of the room"
Plays to see
(On playing peter in Meshahnye at Theatre for the new city)
"This is a play that feels contemporary and immediate, while paying fitting tribute to WB Yeats’ legacy."
Jessica Traynor
(Literary Manager of the Abbey Theatre on 'Dorothy of Nowhere')
Laurel Graeber, New York Times
(on 'A Girl Without Wings', score by Thomas Burns Scully)
"[Thomas burns Scully created] something Calderon de la Barca would have enjoyed... The Spanish guitar was fantastic"
Theater in the now
(on 'Life is a dream', score by Thomas Burns Scully)
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